

Psalm 46 – Our refuge and strength (Elmir Pereira)

Pastor Elmir Pereira shares a devotional on Psalm 46 for your encouragement.

Read Psalm 46

As we read the Psalm we can observe how strong the psalmist’s declaration is in verse 1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in the trouble”. The psalm affirms that in God we have all security, protection, and defence we need. And He is the one who can sustain and keep his beloved at all times, especially in difficult times. It is also interesting to note that God’s action is a continuing gift for all times. God was not a refuge, strength and help in the past; God will not be a refuge, a strength and a help at a certain moment in the future; God is a refuge, strength and help, in the present time, today and forever.

The Scriptures teach us that since sin became part of human nature separating man from God, its creator and master, the reality of suffering, misery and condemnation  came to be experienced by the human being. Spiritual forces began to work against man, to enslave him and to kill him; and separated from God, man can not overcome them. But God, throughout  his grace and mercy, has provided in the person of his son Jesus, through the cross, forgiveness and salvation. By faith in the Lord Jesus, man is reconciled to God, and by faith in the Lord Jesus, he has all the resources to overcome the difficulties, temptations and all sorts of tribulation and anguish that come against him in his life. God, in the person of his son Jesus is the refuge, strength and help that every human being needs. We individually need to increase this truth in our hearts every day. We must rest daily in this promise of God to those who trust in Him. No matter the circumstances, bad or good, difficult or easy, tribulations and disturbances of this world, the attacks of the spiritual forces of evil, or our limitations and imperfections. The Lord Jesus Christ will always be our refuge, our Strength and our Help.

As a result of this extraordinary truth the Psalm presents us with 3 actions that we must constantly take daily.

1- First attitude: Do not be afraid to face the daily struggles and the most intense tribulations that arise (verses 1 and 2: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear, …”) . The man full of himself says  that he fears nothing. Nothing in this world can frighten him. Pure arrogance and stupidity. In fact, it is possible that we are all afraid of something or someone. That is part of our nature. And this truth becomes clear, especially when we face unexpected situations of shame, pain or the possibility of death, which come upon us or the ones we love, which our own capabilities and resources are not able to solve. When the Psalm says: … therefore, we will not fear…, it is teaching us that fear exists, but we will not allow this fear to dominate or control our mind and our heart, for God is our refuge, strength and help. We have to face the fear that might come upon us trusting in the Lord’s help. We need to believe and experience this truth by constant communion with God. This is what we need to say in times of fear that God is our refuge and strength, help very present in the tribulations.

2- Second attitude: Contemplate the powerful works that God has already accomplished in the history of his people and in their lives (verse 8: “Come, behold the works of the Lord, …). It is common for our minds to be filled with a lot of things that will not help us at all in the difficult times of life. Many options for solving our problems will be offered to us. Satan always has a number of evil darts, suggestions that appear to be the best, to launch upon us. According to this text, however, we must look to the great achievements that God has already done that demonstrated his power to solve problems, and his great love towards those who are his people. Contemplating and meditating on the Lord’s most powerful work, the work of the Cross. The perfect work accomplished by the Lord Jesus, destroying the power of sin, death and evil. By faith look to Christ in which we will always be more than conquerors. We need to fill our minds in the hours of difficulties with all the powerful things that God has already accomplished in the history of his people and in their lives and meditate on them: “Come, behold the works of the Lord.”

3 – Third attitude: Rest in the presence of the Lord at all times (verse 8: “Cease striving and know that I am God). Just as many things try to fill our minds in difficult times, many options appear on what to do to solve problems. We start acting like crazy people looking for solutions. We run everywhere. Some are dominated by despair and attitudes that will increase the problems even more. But the solution that comes from the Lord is to calm down, to stop talking and acting like crazy. God wants us to stay in his presence. God wants us to go into our room in an intimate communion with him, by faith, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and let us see his action. He is God. He is in control and governs sovereignly. He is mighty to make wars cease. He breaks the bow, breaks the spear, and burns the cars of our enemies. He will be exalted in the nations. He will be exalted on earth. The Lord of hosts is with us. He promised us: “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you, so that we confidently say: The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid, What will man do to me? (Hebrews 13: 5-6).

May God bless us.

Elmir Batista Pereira


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